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Medication Therapy Management

Our knowledgeable pharmacists work with our patients and their physicians to find an individualized plan to help each patient maximize the benefits of their medications, while minimizing or preventing adverse effects, interactions, costs, and waste.


At no cost to our patients, we are able to provide:


  • A formal medication therapy review

  • A individual meeting between patient and pharmacist to review all medications, including non-prescription medications

  • Assistance helping you understand the importance or need for a new medication

  • Checking blood pressure to help determine if your medication is effective

  • Discussing reasons for late refills, and providing solutions to improve health outcomes

  • Recommending less costly generic medications that are just as effective, and much less expensive,  than brand name medications

  • Discussing preventative health care strategies like vaccinations, health screenings, and lifestyle modifications to limit future medical problems

  • In addition, we offer the option for our patients to receive special packaging of their medications, such as “bubble” packaging.


Give us a call today and let us help you manage your medications so that you can be as healthy as possible!

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Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm

Saturday: 9am - 1pm

Sunday: Closed

We Accept Medicaid

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